You can skip though scenes with x button and return to the normal load of the game by pressing start. If you hold the x button while this screen is up, the game will show the cutscenes from the beginning of the various levels when the screen clears. When the game loads, you see the copyrights screen first. Each six-digit code is one different costume. To access these, simply enter the codes below as your character's name.
$10,000 Gold each level: 10000K 9 potions and keys each level: ALLFUL Invincible Character: INVULN Invisible Character: 000000 Floating Character: 1ANGLI Big Character: DELTA1 3-Way Shot Character: MENAGE Turbo Character: PURPLE Extra Speedy Character: XSPEED X-Ray Character: PEEKIN Supershot Character: SSHOTS Rapid Fire Character: QCKSHT Secret CostumesĮach class in the game has quite a few secret costumes. A while back I was able to find the head gaming division chairs email buried on their website. Thats who would need to bring this relic back to life. They went bankrupt in the late 2000s, so currently the rights are in the hands of Warner Bros. Since that are put as the name, you can only have one in use at a time. Legends and Dark Legacy were developed by Midway Games. To use any of the following codes, enter them as your player's name.